The Antigonish Casket – 8 March 1900

Date of Publication: March 
Type of Publication: Newspaper

Publisher: The Casket

Topics of Note: Gaelic Language & Culture, Obituaries, Weddings

Content Highlights

  • Gaelic poem by Alasdair an Ridge (Alexander “The Ridge” MacDonald)


  • Roderick Nicholson
  • Angus McEachern
  • Thomas Cornealy
  • Mrs. Malcolm Livingston (Flora –)
  • James Walsh
  • Hugh MacMaster
  • Mary Chisholm
  • John M. Roach


  • Simon D. Gillis and Annie McIntyre
  • Alex McDonald and Mary Bigley
  • Henry De Coste and Mary Ann Pettipas
  • Henry Delory and Margaret Dorant
This Artifact is listed under the following categories: The Casket

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