Museum Board

Museum Board

The Antigonish Heritage Museum Board was incorporated by Bill No. 13, an Act of the Provincial Legislature of the Province of Nova Scotia by the Fifth Session of the 56 General Assembly of the 46th year of the Reign of Elizabeth II 1997. The Antigonish Heritage Museum Board manages and operates the Antigonish Heritage Museum. The Antigonish Heritage Museum Board is managed by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors consist of twelve members. The make up of this Board is outlined in paragraph 8.3 of Bill No. 13. 8.3 The Board consists of (a)     the Mayor or a town councillor designated by the Mayor; (b)     the Warden or a municipal councillor designated by the Warden; (c)     one town councillor appointed by Town Council; (d)     one municipal councillor appointed by Municipal Council; (e)     two residents of the Town who are ratepayers of the Town, appointed by the Town Council; (f)      two residents of the Municipality who are ratepayers of the Municipality, appointed by the Municipal Council; (g)     the president of the Heritage Association of Antigonish; and (h)     three members elected by the Heritage Association of Antigonish. The current Directors of the Antigonish Heritage Museum Board 2017-2018 are as follows:

  • Paula Paul – Heritage Association of Antigonish
  • Wendell Schurman – Heritage Association of Antigonish
  • Bart Sears – Heritage Association of Antigonish
  • Neil MacIsaac – Heritage Association of Antigonish
  • Councillor Andrew Murray – Town of Antigonish
  • Councillor Diane Roberts – Town of Antigonish
  • Shaun Chisholm – Town of Antigonish
  • Allan Armsworthy – Town of Antigonish
  • Councillor John Dunbar – County of Antigonish
  • Councillor Donald Mac Donald – County of Antigonish
  • Sue Smith – County of Antigonish
  • Vacant – County of Antigonish

In accordance with the Act of Incorporation and their By-Laws the Board of Directors at their first directors meeting of the Antigonish Heritage Museum Board shall elect from their number the Executive for the Board. The current Executive of the Antigonish Heritage Museum Board are as follows:

  • Chair – Andrew Murray
  • Vice Chair – Paula Paul
  • Secretary – Bart Sears
  • Treasurer – Wendell Schurman